I’ve totally lost my way. This weekend was going to be this amazing push where I got well within the 170s but I’ve totally stalled. Last week I was 100% following my diet and losing nothing. Friday I went tanning and burnt myself terribly only to be even heavier on Saturday. Turns out sunburns cause water retention. So I didn’t lose anything that day. Then Sunday pretty much same thing. Can’t remember the exact number but probably 181/182.
Monday was my day to really come out of the plateau and I did....barely. I hit 179, but I’m not completely convinced it was real even though I hit it twice. The scale was just being kind of bizarre so idk.
In any case, I logged it. So 21 lbs down.
The weekend was horrible though in terms of diet. I never completely blew it, but they were high calorie days - like 700/800. Tuesday is when I really cheated and had 1000 calorie day, as well as, higher carbs. I think I netted around 40.
Yesterday I was at 800. I don’t consider yesterday a cheat because my calories were made up of still “on plan” food like broccoli, but just too much.
So anyways, I’m not where I need to be. I weighed in at 186 today, but I majorly swollen. Like my eyes are small I’m so swollen. I think I ate a lot of salt the past two days and higher carbs don’t help either.
Today I’ve got to be back. My period starts this weekend and honestly I’m having a lot of emotional PMS symptoms so I can only imagine how much it’s impacting me physically. I know my period stops my progress every time, but if I can push past this - I will see a major change.
I can’t forget all my goals. Yes, this week has sucked, but it’s my period - I can still do this. I just have to fight.